The isms of food

by Babushka

I’m a self-confessed and not-in-denial food lover. A complete foodaholic. Someone who thinks, dreams and even emotes over/about food. That would include imagining the taste of things I see on tv from far away lands to allowing myself to follow an aroma trail to having the most intense cravings to dreaming about food whenever I get the chance. My foodaholism has made me a very happy person for I believe there is nothing better than to just enjoy whatever the world of gastronomy has to offer you – no matter where it comes from – kitchen or road side stall.

I love food, I love how it brings people together, I love how it enables the concept of sharing to take place, I love how it makes people bond, I love how it makes us learn and yearn for more. And yearn for more, it definitely makes me do. But in a nice, clean and not greedy way. Gluttony and greed are indeed two very very clear and distinct “sins”. So yes, food just highlights the rainbow over my sunshiney sky – happy, pretty and oh so so content! ๐Ÿ™‚

What my foodaholism has made me do off late is to start an album on facebook where I upload pictures of my meal/beverage and give it my own rating/review in just a comment. It makes me very happy to share this information and it makes me even more happy to receive positive comments from people about it. Food reviews/blogs are an overdone thing and are allย over the place, but I don’t see a harm in it because we’re all getting a piece of that heaven at the end of the day.

And while I’m at it, I hope to work more closely with food. To really take a dive into the wonders that food can deliver. And I’m staying far away from the science and technicality of it. I’ll leave that for those in the ‘food industry’. I’mย just someone who loves food communicating to those who love food…a sort of exchange. A happy to part with and receive give and take. I don’t know where it’ll take me or what I will do, but it is a dream for that one day, where I can and will do all that I want to.

In the mean time, I’m gonna enjoy my moments with food and be thankful for being gifted with foodaholism. And I wish you the same as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

And here’s something I had written a while back to keep the foodie spirit kicking! ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy and have yourself a good meal or two ๐Ÿ™‚

PS> Masterchef Australia Season II starts this August ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ *joy*